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    911 Entertainment Cruel World productions - Military counterintelligence12Full HD

    Clip Description

    Day 1 PART 2

    Torture by electric current.

    She was sweating from fear in anticipation of pain...And suffering not long in coming...

    The executioner finally fixed voltage source.
    Now he can torture the victim without worrying
    about charging the stun gun....that is torture for a long time.

    Clip Duration:      26 minutes
    Format Size
    avi969.87 MB

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    911 Entertainment Cruel World productions - Military counterintelligence12Full HD

    911 Entertainment Cruel World productions - Military counterintelligence12Full HD

    911 Entertainment Cruel World productions - Military counterintelligence12Full HD

    911 Entertainment Cruel World productions - Military counterintelligence12Full HD

    911 Entertainment Cruel World productions - Military counterintelligence12Full HD

    911 Entertainment Cruel World productions - Military counterintelligence12Full HD
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The ropes bit into the tender skin of her wrists and ankles. The muscles of the body do not want to obey. Pain...fear...despair and longing. She is crucified. She will experience the ancient method of execution. And this execution lasts a long time. Too long to be tolerated...

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Then he strangled her with a rope.

    Torture by electricity 2 Full HD - Video camera №2

For torture with electricity, it makes no sense to use a powerful stun gun. 
The strike will cause the victim to lose consciousness.
It is much better to use a cheap and low-power stun gun.
The victim is guaranteed to be conscious and will always feel pain.

But the best results are obtained by using a medical 
laboratory device for electrical muscle stimulation.

Just such a device you will see in action.
The device is about forty years old.  
But it works properly, although it has been repaired more than once.

The device creates voltage pulses and allows you to change 
their frequency and duration over a wide range.

They are able, depending on the desire of the executioner 
to cause pain of different strength in the muscles of the victim, 
as well as to stimulate convulsive contractions of different muscle groups.

In our film electropulse impact caused in girl beginning menstruation for a few days 
before the natural term.
When the electrodes from the device are attached to the delicate areas of the skin, 
the electrical impulse action 
can cause the destruction of small blood vessels of the skin in these places.
At the same time, when high-frequency electrical impulses pass through 
the human body no extraneous sound occurs.

You'll see all....

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When the police began to arrest the demonstrators, the sister managed to escape,
but she was arrested....

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They were friends. 
They went to the same University. 
Three female students. 
They all participated in civil protests. 
One day, a graduate student shared her beliefs with them. 
And now there were four girls in the group. 
But one day one of them was arrested by the political police at a rally. 
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Was only pain...

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The nails are driven in. The blows of the whip leave bloody streaks on the body. The girl is unable to bear this suffering...

    Military counterintelligence11Full HD - Day 1  PART 1

Torture by electric current.

She was sweating from fear in anticipation of pain...And suffering not long in coming...

The executioner finally fixed voltage source. 
Now he can torture the victim without worrying 
about charging the stun gun....that is torture for a long time.

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But the cruel tortures could not break the spirit of freedom in her.....

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A female soldier is captured and brutally and cynically tortured.

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Her body is stretched like a string. 

You yourself will see it ....

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